Firehose API Parameters


Represents AccountAdminChange

Field Type Label Description
change_type ChangeType Defines Type of the Account Admin Change
login_email string Login Email of the Account Admin


Represents AppActivation

Field Type Label Description
spaces_tenant_name string Name of a tenant in DNASpaces
spaces_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in DNASpaces
partner_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in Partner
name string Display Name of an activation
reference_id string Reference ID of an activation
instance_name string Instance Name of an activation
mac_filters string repeated MAC filters of an activation
iot_groups string repeated IoT Groups filters of an activation


Represents OtherField

Field Type Label Description
name string Defines Name of the field
values string repeated Defines Values associated with the field


Represents CCXData

Field Type Label Description
telemetries CCXData.Telemetry repeated Defines telemetries for temperature and humidity received from the beacon
battery CCXData.Battery Defines information about the beacon's battery
vendor CCXData.Vendor Defines information about the beacon's vendor
last_beacon_time int64 Defines last seen time of the beacon
last_beacon_sequence_number int32 Defines last sequence number of the beacon


Represents CCXData.Battery

Field Type Label Description
tolerance int32 Defines battery tolerance level
percent_remaining int32 Defines Remaining battery level in %
days_remaining int32 Defines the battery life remaining
age int64 Defines the battery age
last_received_time int64 Defines UTC Timestamp when the value is received
last_received_seq_num int32 Defines last sequence number for this telemetry


Represents CCXData.Telemetry

Field Type Label Description
type CCXData.Telemetry.CCXTelemetryType Defines type of telemetry like temperature or humidity
unit string Defines unit of measurement
value string Defines value of measurement
last_received_time int64 Defines UTC Timestamp when the value is received for this telemetry
last_received_seq_num int32 Defines last sequence number for this telemetry


Represents CCXData.Vendor

Field Type Label Description
id int32 Defines vendor ID
element_id int32 Defines element ID
data bytes Defines value
last_received_time int64 Defines UTC Timestamp when the value is received
last_received_seq_num int32 Defines last sequence number for this telemetry


Field Type Label Description
location Location Defines Location Data
count int64 Count of current people[computed using TripWire at the location]
count_delta int64 Delta Count of current people[computed using TripWire at the location] based on the previous event


Represents Device Profile Information

These fields are sent only based on the availability of the information through various authentication methods

Field Type Label Description
device_id string Defines Device ID of the device in DNASpaces
user_id string Defines User ID of the user in DNASpaces, applicable for only users with valid user ids
tags string repeated Defines list of Tag/Persona associated with the device
mobile string Defines mobile number of the device
email string Defines email number of the device
gender Gender Defines mobile number of the device
first_name string Defines first name of the device
last_name string Defines last name of the device
postal_code string Defines postal code of the device
opt_ins Device.OptIn repeated Defines list of OptIn of the device
attributes Attribute repeated Defines Other non-standard fields of the device, These are used only in an on-demand basis for the fields which are not captured by default
mac_address string Defines mac address of the device, It will be available only if you have enabled this in App Settings
manufacturer string Defines manufacturer of the device
os string Defines OS of the device
os_version string Defines OS Version of the device
type DeviceType Defines Type of the device
social_network_info SocialNetworkInfo repeated Defines list of social information of the device, It will be available only if you have enabled this in App Settings
device_model string Defines model of the device
dhcp_profile_info Device.DHCPProfileInfo Defines dhcp information of the device
open_roaming_user_id string Defines OpenRoaming User ID


Field Type Label Description
dc_profile_name string Defines dhcp profile name of the device
dc_device_class_tag string Defines dhcp device class tag of the device
dc_certainty_metric string Defines dhcp certainty metric of the device
dc_protocol_map string Defines dhcp protocol of the device


Represents Device association event

Field Type Label Description
event DeviceAssociation.AssociationEvent Defines association event type
device Device Defines profile data of the device
location Location Defines location data of the device
ssid string Defines SSID of the device connected to
raw_user_id string Defines user id used for Wi-Fi authentication
ipv4 string Defines ip version 4 address for the device
ipv6 string repeated Defines list of ip version 6 addresses for the device


Field Type Label Description
location Location Defines Location Data
associated_count int64 Count of current active associated devices[Count of Devices connected to Wi-Fi], more than 1 device with same user name gets counted as 1
estimated_probing_count int64 Estimated Count of current active probing visitors[Count of Devices not connected to Wi-Fi]
probing_randomized_percentage double Percentage of the random mac address/locally administered mac address in the estimated probing count
associated_delta int32 Delta count of current active associated devices based on the previous event
probing_delta int32 Delta count of current active probing devices based on the previous event
estimated_density double Estimated density value at the location given the density is configured at the location information
estimated_capacity_percentage double Estimated current capacity value at the location given the capacity is configured at the location information
user_count int32 [computed as : wireless + wired + rfid + ble]
wireless_user_count int32 wireless count
wired_user_count int32 wired count
rfid_tag_count int32 rfid count
ble_tag_count int32 ble count


Represents DeviceEntry

Field Type Label Description
device Device Defines Profile data of the device
location Location Defines Location Data of the device
visit_id string Defines Unique ID for a visit starting from entry to exit, Its same across all levels during the visit
entry_timestamp int64 Defines Entry timestamp in epoch millisecond
entry_date_time string Defines Entry time in string format after converting to local timezone
time_zone string Defines TimeZone of a location
device_classification string Defines Device Classification
days_since_last_visit int32 Defines Number of days since the last visit of a device at the location


Represents DeviceExit

Field Type Label Description
device Device Defines Profile data of the device
location Location Defines Location Data of the device
visit_id string Defines Unique ID for a visit starting from entry to exit, Its same across all levels during the visit
visit_duration_minutes int32 Defines Visit duration in minutes[ by doing (exit_timestamp - entry_timestamp) / 60 * 1000 ]
entry_timestamp int64 Defines Entry timestamp in epoch millisecond
entry_date_time string Defines Entry time in string format after converting to local timezone
exit_timestamp int64 Defines Exit timestamp in epoch millisecond
exit_date_time string Defines Exit time in string format after converting to local timezone
time_zone string Defines TimeZone of a location
device_classification string Defines Device Classification
visit_classification string Defines Visit Classification


Represents DeviceInfo

Field Type Label Description
device_type IOTDeviceType Device the type of the device
device_id string Unique ID of the device
device_mac_address string Actual mac address of the device
group string repeated Tags or group to which the device belong to.
device_name string Name of the device
firmware_version string Firmware version major and minor as a string
raw_device_id string Unique ID of the device
manufacturer string Manufacturer of the device
company_id string Company id for manufacturer specific data
service_uuid string serviceUUID for service specific data
label string Label for BLE Devices
vendor_id string Vendor Id when the device is claimed
device_model string BLE Device Model


Represents DeviceExit

Field Type Label Description
device Device Defines Profile data of the device
location Location Defines Location Data of the device
ssid string Defines SSID of the device connected to
raw_user_id string Defines user id used for Wi-Fi authentication
visit_id string Defines Unique ID for a visit starting from entry to exit, Its same across all levels during the visit
last_seen int64 Defines Last Seen timestamp in epoch millisecond
device_classification string Defines Device Classification
map_id string Defines Map ID of a location
x_pos float Defines X Position of the device
y_pos float Defines Y Position of the device
confidence_factor double Defines Confidence factor value provided by network infra
latitude double Defines Latitude value of a location
longitude double Defines Longitude value of a location
unc float Defines uncertainty value provided by network infra
max_detected_rssi int32 Defines max rssi value from the observation
ipv4 string Defines ip version 4 address for the device
ipv6 string repeated Defines list of ip version 6 addresses for the device


Represents DevicePosition

Field Type Label Description
x_pos float Defines X Position of the device
y_pos float Defines Y Position of the device
latitude double Defines Latitude value of a location
longitude double Defines Longitude value of a location
confidence_factor double Defines Confidence factor value provided by network infra
map_id string Defines Map ID of a location
location_id string Defines Location Id of a hierarchy location
last_located_time int64 Defines UTC Timestamp when this device last located


Represents DevicePresence

Field Type Label Description
presence_event_type DevicePresenceEventType Defines the event type in Device Presence lifecycle
was_in_active bool Defines whether the device was in-active before, This gets significance in exit to know if device has exited from in-active or entry
device Device Defines Profile data of the device
location Location Defines Location Data of the device
ssid string Defines SSID of the device connected to
raw_user_id string Defines user id used for Wi-Fi authentication
visit_id string Defines Unique ID for a visit starting from entry to exit, Its same across all levels during the visit
days_since_last_visit int32 Defines Number of days since the last visit of a device at the location
entry_timestamp int64 Defines Entry timestamp in epoch millisecond
entry_date_time string Defines Entry time in string format after converting to local timezone
exit_timestamp int64 Defines Exit timestamp in epoch millisecond
exit_date_time string Defines Exit time in string format after converting to local timezone
visit_duration_minutes int32 Defines Visit duration in minutes[ by doing (exit_timestamp - entry_timestamp) / 60 * 1000 ], applicable only for exit otherwise its 0
time_zone string Defines TimeZone of a location
device_classification string Defines Device Classification
visit_classification string Defines Visit Classification
active_devices_count int32 Current Active devices count at the location, It's count after the current device presence event
in_active_devices_count int32 Current InActive devices count at the location, It's count after the current device presence event


Represents DeviceProfileData

Field Type Label Description
first_name string First Name
last_name string Last Name
gender Gender Gender
mobile MobileInfo Defines Mobile Info data associated with the device
email EmailInfo Defines Email data associated with the device
social_network_info SocialNetworkInfo repeated Defines Social network info associated with the device
type DeviceType Type of the devices
add_tags string repeated Tags associated with the device
remove_tags string repeated Tags to be removed from associated with the device
attributes Attribute repeated Other Attributes associated with the device


Represents Dimension

Field Type Label Description
length float Defines Length of an entity
width float Defines Width of an entity
height float Defines Height of an entity
offset_x float Defines Offset X of an entity
offset_y float Defines Offset Y of an entity


Represents EmailInfo

Field Type Label Description
address string Email Address
verified bool Verification status of the email
opted_in bool OptIn status of the email


Represents event record

Field Type Label Description
record_uid string Unique ID for an event, can be used for de-duplicate the events
record_timestamp int64 Epoch timestamp for an event
spaces_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in DNASpaces
spaces_tenant_name string Name of a tenant in DNASpaces
partner_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in Partner
event_type EventType Event type for an event
device_entry DeviceEntry Device Entry data in an event
device_exit DeviceExit Device Exit data in an event
device_profile_update Device Device Profile data in an event
location_hierarchy_change LocationChange Location Change data in an event
device_location_update DeviceLocation Device Location data in an event
app_activation AppActivation App Activation data in an event
account_admin_change AccountAdminChange Account Admin data in an event
tp_people_count_update TPPeopleCountUpdate TelePresence People Count Update data in an event
device_presence DevicePresence Device Presence data in an event
user_presence UserPresence User Presence data in an event
iot_telemetry IOTTelemetry IoT Telemetry data in an event
iot_user_action IOTUserAction IoT User Action data in an event
device_counts DeviceCounts Device Counts data in an event
camera_counts CameraCounts Camera Counts data in an event
raw_camera_counts RawCameraCounts Raw Camera Counts data in an event
network_telemetry NetworkTelemetry Network Telemetry data in an event
location_anchor_update LocationAnchorUpdate Location Anchor data in an event
network_status_update NetworkStatusUpdate Network Status Update in an event
webex_telemetry_update WebexTelemetryUpdate Webex v2 Telemetry Update in an event
device_association DeviceAssociation Device association event


Represents EventsStreamRequest

Field Type Label Description
min_partition int32 Min Partition value to be used for EventsStreamRequest
max_partition int32 Max Partition value to be used for EventsStreamRequest
from_timestamp int64 From Timestamp value to be used for EventsStreamRequest
replica_id int32 Replica Id value to be used for EventsStreamRequest, applicable only for on-premise apps


Represents Facebook

Field Type Label Description
id string Defines ID of the user in Facebook
first_name string Defines First name of the user in Facebook
last_name string Defines Last name of the user in Facebook
middle_name string Defines Middle name of the user in Facebook
name string Defines Name of the user in Facebook
short_name string Defines Short name of the user in Facebook
name_format string Defines Name format used in Facebook
picture string Defines picture image url in Facebook
email string Defines email of the user in Facebook
attributes Attribute repeated Defines Other non-standard fields of the user available in Facebook


Represents FloorMap

Field Type Label Description
map_details MapDetails Map Details for the requested map ID
image_data bytes RAW Image Data for the requested map ID


Represents FloorMapRequest

Field Type Label Description
map_id string ID of the map
partner_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in Partner


Represents GetDeviceRequest

Field Type Label Description
partner_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in Partner
mac_address string MAC Address of the device
device_id string Device ID of the device


Represents IOTTelemetry

Field Type Label Description
device_info DeviceInfo Defines the device info of the IoT Device
detected_position DevicePosition Defines the detected position of the device at the floor location
placed_position DevicePosition Defines the placed position of the device at the floor location
location Location Defines Location of a device in hierarchy location
temperature IOTTelemetry.Temperature Defines Temperature telemetry received
accelerometer IOTTelemetry.Accelerometer Defines Accelerometer telemetry received
illuminance IOTTelemetry.Illuminance Defines Light Intensity received
device_rtc_time int64 Defines DateTime value received
battery IOTTelemetry.Battery Defines Battery info received
last_user_action IOTTelemetry.LastUserAction Defines last user action performed
i_beacon IOTTelemetry.iBeacon Defines iBeacon info
eddy_stone IOTTelemetry.Eddystone Defines Eddystone info
raw_header int32 Defines raw header received from the device
raw_payload bytes Defines raw payload received from the device
sequence_num int32 Defines sequence number received from the device
pir_trigger IOTTelemetry.PIRTrigger Defines Person in room trigger
air_pressure IOTTelemetry.AirPressure Defines air pressure info
vendor_info IOTTelemetry.VendorInfo Defines vendor information
ccx_data CCXData Defines CCX data for RFID Tags only
tp_data IOTTelemetry.TPData Defines Tele Presence data
humidity IOTTelemetry.Humidity Defines Humidity telemetry received
air_quality IOTTelemetry.AirQuality Defines Air Quality telemetry received
carbon_emissions IOTTelemetry.CarbonEmissions Defines Carbon emissions telemetry
ambient_light IOTTelemetry.AmbientLight Defines Ambient Light
voltage IOTTelemetry.Voltage Defines voltage in mV
illum_solar_cell IOTTelemetry.IllumSolarCell Defines Illumination of Solar cell in lx
illum_sensor IOTTelemetry.IllumSensor Defines Illumination of Sensor in lx
occupancy_status IOTTelemetry.OccupancyStatus Defines Occupancy Status as occupied or not occupied
magnet_contact IOTTelemetry.MagnetContact Defines Magnet Contact as open or closed
max_detected_rssi int32
push_button IOTTelemetry.PushButton Defines Push Button Transmitter telemetry for EnOcean PTM 215B device
indoor_air_quality IOTTelemetry.IndoorAirQuality Defines Indoor Air Quality for AP sensor
tvoc IOTTelemetry.TVOC Defines Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) for AP sensor


Represents Accelerometer information

Field Type Label Description
x double Acceleration value for x-axis
y double Acceleration value for y-axis
z double Acceleration value for z-axis
last_movement_timestamp int64 Defines UTC Timestamp of the last movement
counter int32 Defines the last movement index


Represents AirPressure

Field Type Label Description
pressure float


Represents AirQuality

Field Type Label Description
air_quality_index float Defines Air Quality telemetry received
air_quality_ppb int32 Defines Air Quality in ppb telemetry received
air_quality_status string Defines status of ar Quality


Represents Ambient Light in lx

Field Type Label Description
value_lx int32 Defines light in lx telemetry received


Field Type Label Description
value float Remaining battery level
unit IOTTelemetry.Battery.BatteryUnit Unit
last_retrieved int64 UTC Timestamp when the value is received


Represents Carbon Emissions (CO2) in ppm

Field Type Label Description
co2_ppm int32 Defines co2 in ppm telemetry received


Represents Eddystone info. Not decoded

Field Type Label Description
beacon_mac_address string Mac address of the Eddystone interface
uid string Eddystone uid frame
namespace string Eddystone namespace frame
url string Eddystone url


Represents Humidity

Field Type Label Description
humidity_in_percentage int32 Defines humidity of TelePresence device in percentage
raw_humidity int32 The received value as is it


Represents IllumSensor

Field Type Label Description
value_lx int32


Represents IllumSolarCell

Field Type Label Description
value_lx int32


Represents Light intensity

Field Type Label Description
value double Intensity value received from device
unit IOTTelemetry.Illuminance.IlluminanceUnit IlluminanceUnit


Represents Indoor Air Quality for AP sensor

Field Type Label Description
air_quality_index float Defines Indoor Air Quality telemetry received


Represents LastUserAction information

Field Type Label Description
type IOTActionType Action Type
timestamp int64 Action Timestamp


Represents MagnetContact

Field Type Label Description
contact_type IOTTelemetry.MagnetContact.ContactType


Represents OccupancyStatus

Field Type Label Description
status IOTTelemetry.OccupancyStatus.Status


Represents PIRTrigger

Field Type Label Description
timestamp int64


Represents Push Button Transmitter

Field Type Label Description
action IOTTelemetry.PushButtonAction Defines Push Button Action
action_button_labels string repeated Defines Buttons Labels


Represents Tele Presence Data

Field Type Label Description
presence bool Defines presence status from TelePresence device
people_count int64 Defines People count from TelePresence device
standby_state int32 Defines Stand by State value from TelePresence device
ambient_noise int32 Defines Ambient Noise from TelePresence device
dryness_score int32 Defines Dryness Score from TelePresence device
active_calls int32 Defines Active calls from TelePresence device
presentation_state int32 Defines Presentation State from of TelePresence device
time_stamp int64 Defines Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of TelePresence device during this update
air_quality_index float Defines air quality index (AQI) of TelePresence device
temperature_in_celsius float Defines temperature of TelePresence device in celsius
humidity_in_percentage int32 Defines humidity of TelePresence device in percentage
sound_level int32 Defines sound level as an int
ambient_light string Defines ambient light as Dark, Bright etc
reverberation_time int32 Defines Reverberation Time as an Int
close_proximity bool Defines close proximity as true or false
air_quality_status string Defines airQualityStatus


Represents Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) for AP sensor

Field Type Label Description
value_in_ppb int32 Approximate measurement of TVOC in PPB


Represents Temperature telemetry

Field Type Label Description
temperature_in_celsius double Temperature value in celsius. If the unit is in Farenheit, it needs to be converted to Celsius
raw_temperature double The received value as is


Represents VendorInfo

Field Type Label Description
manufacturer_id int32


Represents Voltage

Field Type Label Description
value_mv float


Represents iBeacon info

Field Type Label Description
beacon_mac_address string Mac address of the iBeacon interface
uuid string UUID of iBeacon
major int32 Major number
minor int32 Minor number
advertized_tx_power int32 Calibrated power of iBeacon


Represents IOTUserAction

Field Type Label Description
device_info DeviceInfo Defines the device info of the IoT Device
detected_position DevicePosition Defines the detected position of the device at the floor location
placed_position DevicePosition Defines the placed position of the device at the floor location
location Location Defines Location of a device in hierarchy location
action_type IOTActionType Defines the action type performed by user
action_count int32 Defines the action count
action_timestamp int64 Defines the action timestamp
action_id int64 Defines button pressed id


Represents LinkedIn

Field Type Label Description
id string Defines ID of the user in LinkedIn
first_name string Defines First name of the user in LinkedIn
last_name string Defines Last name of the user in LinkedIn
profile_picture string Defines Profile Picture image url in LinkedIn
email string Defines email of the user in LinkedIn
attributes Attribute repeated Defines Other non-standard fields of the user available in LinkedIn


Represents Location

Field Type Label Description
location_id string Defines Location ID of the location in DNASpaces
name string Defines Name of the location in DNASpaces
inferred_location_types string repeated Defines Types of the location inferred by DNASpaces
parent Location Defines Parent of the location in DNASpaces Location Hierarchy
source_location_id string Defines Source Location ID(from Prime/DNAC) of the location in DNASpaces
floor_number int32 Defines floor number of the location inferred by DNASpaces
ap_count int32 Define cumulative ap count of the location in DNASpaces


Represents LocationAnchorInfo

Field Type Label Description
identifier string Defines identifier which is md5 hash of the beacon's MAC Address (not the base AP MAC)
uuid string Defines UUID (universally unique identifier)
major int32 Defines major version number
minor int32 Defines minor version number
tx_power int32 Defines power of the beacon's transmission
adv_tx_power int32 Defines advertized power of the beacon's transmission
frequency int32 Defines band's frequency in MHz/GHz
x_pos string Defines x position
y_pos string Defines y position
z_pos string Defines z position
latitude double Defines latitude coordinate
longitude double Defines longitude coordinate
map_id string Defines map ID


Represents LocationAnchorUpdate

Field Type Label Description
change_type LocationAnchorUpdate.UpdateType Defines Update Type of the location anchor
location Location Defines Location of the location anchor derived from location hierarchy
location_anchor_info LocationAnchorInfo Defines information about the location anchor


Represents LocationChange

Field Type Label Description
change_type ChangeType Defines Type of the Location Change
location Location Defines Location of the Change
location_details LocationDetails Defines Location Details of the Change, not applicable if ChangeType = REMOVE


Represents LocationDetails

These fields are sent only based on the availability of the information through network infra and DNASpaces Location Hierarchy

Field Type Label Description
time_zone string Defines TimeZone of a location
city string Defines City of a location
state string Defines State of a location
country string Defines Country of a location
category string Defines Category of a location
metadata LocationDetails.Metadata repeated Defines Meta Data of a location
latitude double Defines Latitude of a location
longitude double Defines Longitude of a location
map_details MapDetails Defines Map Details of a location


Represents Metadata

Field Type Label Description
key string Defines Name of the Meta Data key
values string repeated Defines Values of the Meta Data


Represents LocationInfo

Field Type Label Description
location Location Location data for the requested location ID
location_details LocationDetails Details for the requested location ID


Represents LocationInfoRequest

Field Type Label Description
location_id string ID of the location
partner_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in Partner


Represents MapDetails

Field Type Label Description
map_id string Defines ID of a map
image_width int32 Defines Width of a map image
image_height int32 Defines Height of a map image
mime_type string Defines Mime type of a map image
dimension Dimension Defines Dimension of a map location


Represents MobileInfo

Field Type Label Description
number string Mobile Number
verified bool Verification status of the mobile number
opted_in bool OptIn status of the mobile number


Represents Connector and Controller Status Update as Network Status Update

Field Type Label Description
device_type NetworkStatusUpdate.NetworkDeviceType Defines network device type
status NetworkStatusUpdate.NetworkDeviceStatus Defines network device status
last_heard int64 Defines UTC Timestamp when the value is received
connector_info NetworkStatusUpdate.ConnectorInfo Defines connector information
controller_info NetworkStatusUpdate.ControllerInfo Defines controller information


Field Type Label Description
id string Connector ID
name string Connector name
ip_address string Connector IP address
ova_version string Connector OVA version
docker_version string Connector version


Field Type Label Description
id string Controller ID
name string Controller name
ip_address string Controller IP address
version string Controller version
connector_id string Connector ID
connector_name string Connector name
type string Controller type


Represents NetworkTelemetry

Field Type Label Description
network_health NetworkTelemetry.NetworkHealth Defines Network Health observed at the location
network_performance NetworkTelemetry.NetworkPerformance repeated Defines Network Performance observed at the location
location Location Defines Location Data of the device


Represents NetworkHealth

Field Type Label Description
network_availability NetworkTelemetry.NetworkHealth.NetworkAvailability repeated Defines Network Availability observed at the location
ap_telemetries NetworkTelemetry.NetworkHealth.APTelemetry repeated Defines AP Telemetries observed at the location


Represents APTelemetry

Field Type Label Description
ap_telemetry_type NetworkTelemetry.NetworkHealth.APTelemetryType Defines of AP Telemetry Type
average double Average value
min int32 Min value
max int32 Max value


Represents NetworkHealth

Field Type Label Description
num_of_tests int32 Number of tests performed
num_of_success int32 Number of successful tests
success_percentage double Percentage of successful tests
num_of_dns_lookup int32 Number of DNS Lookups
num_of_dns_lookup_success int32 Number of successful DNS lookups
dns_lookup_success_percentage double Percentage of successful DNS lookups
band string Band will be either 2.4 GHZ or 5 GHZ


Represents NetworkPerformance

Field Type Label Description
avg_upload_bandwidth_mbps double Average upload bandwidth defined in Mbps
avg_download_bandwidth_mbps double Average download bandwidth defined in Mbps
avg_packet_loss_percentage double Average packet loss percentage
avg_rtt_ms int32 Average round trip time in milli seconds
avg_dns_lookup_time_ms int32 Average DNS lookup time in milli seconds
band string Band will be either 2.4 GHZ or 5 GHZ
jitter double jitter
mos double Mean Opinion Score


Field Type Label Description
location Location Defines Location Data
camera_id string Id of the camera
camera_zone_id string Id of the camera zone
count int64 Tripe wire count[computed as Entry - Exit]


Represents SaveDeviceRequest

Field Type Label Description
partner_tenant_id string ID of a tenant in Partner
mac_address string MAC Address of the device
device_id string Device ID of the device
device_profile_data DeviceProfileData Defines device profile data


Represents SocialNetworkInfo

Field Type Label Description
social_network SocialNetwork Defines Social network type
social_handle string Defines Handle/ID of the Social network
facebook Facebook Defines Facebook info
twitter Twitter Defines Twitter info
linked_in LinkedIn Defines LinkedIn info


Represents TPPeopleCountUpdate

Field Type Label Description
tp_device_id string ID of TelePresence device
location Location Defines Location Data of TelePresence device
presence bool Defines presence status from TelePresence device
people_count int64 Defines People count from TelePresence device
standby_state int32 Defines Stand by State value from TelePresence device
ambient_noise int32 Defines People count from TelePresence device
dryness_score int32 Defines People count from TelePresence device
active_calls int32 Defines People count from TelePresence device
presentation_state int32 Defines People count from of TelePresence device
time_stamp int64 Defines Timestamp in epoch milliseconds of TelePresence device during this update
mac_address string Defines mac address of TelePresence device
air_quality_index float Defines air quality index (AQI) of TelePresence device
temperature_in_celsius float Defines temperature of TelePresence device in celsius
humidity_in_percentage int32 Defines humidity of TelePresence device in percentage
sound_level int32 Defines sound level as an int
ambient_light string Defines ambient light as Dark, Bright etc
reverberation_time int32 Defines Reverberation Time as an Int
close_proximity bool Defines close proximity as true or false
air_quality_status string Defines airQualityStatus


Represents Twitter

Field Type Label Description
id string Defines ID of the user in Twitter
name string Defines Name of the user in Twitter
screen_name string Defines Screen name of the user in Twitter
friends_count int32 Defines Friends count of the user in Twitter
followers_count int32 Defines Followers count of the user in Twitter
profile_image_url string Defines Profile image url in Twitter
profile_banner_url string Defines Profile banner url in Twitter
location string Defines Location info in Twitter
statuses_count int32 Defines Location info in Twitter
email string Defines email of the user in Facebook
profile_verified bool Defines Verified status of the user profile in Twitter
utc_offset string Defines Timezone UTC offset of the user in Twitter
time_zone string Defines Timezone of the user in Twitter
geo_enabled bool Defines Geo Enabled status of the user in Twitter
lang string Defines Language of the user in Twitter
attributes Attribute repeated Defines Other non-standard fields of the user available in Twitter


Represents User Profile Information

These fields are sent only based on the availability of the information through various authentication methods

Field Type Label Description
user_id string Defines User ID of the user in DNASpaces, applicable for only users with valid user ids
device_ids string repeated Defines list of Device ID grouped for the user
tags string repeated Defines list of Tag/Persona associated with the user
mobile string Defines mobile number of the user
email string Defines email number of the user
gender Gender Defines mobile number of the user
first_name string Defines first name of the user
last_name string Defines last name of the user
postal_code string Defines postal code of the user
attributes Attribute repeated Defines non-standard fields, These are used only in an on-demand basis for the fields which are not captured by default
social_network_info SocialNetworkInfo repeated Defines list of social information of the user, It will be available only if you have enabled this in App Settings
open_roaming_user_id string Defines OpenRoaming User ID


Represents UserPresence

Field Type Label Description
presence_event_type UserPresenceEventType Defines the event type in User Presence lifecycle
was_in_active bool Defines whether the user was in-active before, This gets significance in exit to know if user has exited from in-active or entry
user User Defines Profile data of the user
location Location Defines Location Data of the device
raw_user_id string Defines user id used for Wi-Fi authentication
visit_id string Defines Unique ID for a visit starting from entry to exit, Its same across all levels during the visit
entry_timestamp int64 Defines Entry timestamp in epoch millisecond
entry_date_time string Defines Entry time in string format after converting to local timezone
exit_timestamp int64 Defines Exit timestamp in epoch millisecond
exit_date_time string Defines Exit time in string format after converting to local timezone
visit_duration_minutes int32 Defines Visit duration in minutes[ by doing (exit_timestamp - entry_timestamp) / 60 * 1000 ], applicable only for exit otherwise its 0
time_zone string Defines TimeZone of a location
active_users_count UserPresence.UserCount Current Active user counts at the location, It's count after the current user presence event
in_active_users_count UserPresence.UserCount Current InActive user counts at the location, It's count after the current user presence event
connection Connection


Represents UserCount

Field Type Label Description
users_with_user_id int32 Counts of users with user ids
users_without_user_id int32 Counts of users without user ids
total_users int32 Counts of total users [ by doing (users_with_user_id + users_without_user_id) ]


Represents Webex v2 Telemetry Update

Field Type Label Description
device_info WebexTelemetryUpdate.WebexDeviceInfo Defines the device info of the IoT Device
location Location Defines location sata of the device
telemetries WebexTelemetryUpdate.WebexTelemetry repeated Defines a list of the webex telemetry


Field Type Label Description
device_id string Defines unique id of the device
mac_address string Defines actual mac address of the device
ip_address string Defines IP address of the device
product string Defines product name of the device
display_name string Defines display name of the device
serial_number string Defines serial number of the device
software_version string Defines software version of the device
workspace_id string Defines workspace id at which that device attached
org_id string Defines organization id at which that device attached


Field Type Label Description
people_count int32 Defines people count received from the device
presence bool Defines presence status received from the device
stand_by_state int32 Defines stand by state value received from the device
ambient_noise int32 Defines people count received from the device
sound_level int32 Defines sound level received from the device
air_quality float Defines air quality received from the device
air_quality_status string Defines air quality status received from the device
ambient_temp float Defines ambient temperature received from the device
relative_humidity int32 Defines humidity telemetry received from the device
ambient_light string Defines ambient light received from the device
reverberation_time int32 Defines reverberation time received from the device
close_proximity bool Defines close proximity (as true or false) received from the device
active_calls int32 Defines active calls received from the device
presentation_state int32 Defines presentation state received from the device


Name Number Description
CCX_TELEMETRY_TEMPERATURE 0 Defines temperature telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_HUMIDITY 1 Defines humidity telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_GPS 2 Defines gps telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_MOTION 3 Defines motion telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_DISTANCE 4 Defines distance telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_FUEL 5 Defines fuel telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_QUANTITY 6 Defines quantity telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_PRESSURE 7 Defines pressure telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_STATUS 8 Defines status telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_EPC 9 Defines epc telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_MOTIONPROB 10 Defines motion prob telemetry type
CCX_TELEMETRY_UNKNOWN 11 Defines unknown telemetry type


Represents ChangeType

Name Number Description
ADD 0 Defines Add is the Change
REMOVE 1 Defines Remove is the Change
MOVE 2 Defines Move is the Change
UPDATE 3 Defines Update is the Change


Name Number Description


Represents OptIn

Name Number Description
MOBILE_NUMBER 0 Defines Mobile Number Opt-In
EMAIL 1 Defines Email Opt-In


Name Number Description
ASSOCIATE 0 Associate event type
DISASSOCIATE 1 Disassociate event type


Represents DevicePresenceEventType

Name Number Description
DEVICE_ENTRY_EVENT 0 Defines Device Entry Event
DEVICE_IN_ACTIVE_EVENT 1 Defines Device InActive Event
DEVICE_ACTIVE_EVENT 2 Defines Device Active Event
DEVICE_EXIT_EVENT 3 Defines Device Exit Event
DEVICE_SSID_CHANGE_EVENT 4 Defines Device SSID Change Event
DEVICE_RAW_USER_ID_CHANGE_EVENT 5 Defines Device RAW User ID Change Event


Represents DeviceType

Name Number Description
NOT_AVAILABLE 0 Default Value
MOBILE 1 Defines Mobile Device Type
TABLET 2 Defines Tablet Device Type
LAPTOP 3 Defines Laptop Device Type
OTHER_DEVICE 4 Defines Other Device Type, eg: Wearables


Represents EventType values

Name Number Description
DEVICE_ENTRY 0 Denotes Device Entry event, Can expect this event when a new device enters the location
DEVICE_EXIT 1 Denotes Device Exit event, Can expect this event when there is no activity seen from the device for an industry specific time(typically 3 hours)
PROFILE_UPDATE 3 Denotes Device Profile Update event, Can expect this event when there is a change in any of the device profile
LOCATION_CHANGE 4 Denotes Location Change event, Can expect this event when there is a change location hierarchy in DNASpaces
KEEP_ALIVE 5 Denotes Keep Alive event, Can expect this event for every 15 seconds when there is no other events are sent
APP_ACTIVATION 6 Denotes App Activation event, Can expect this event when there is a new activation for an app
ACCOUNT_ADMIN_ACTIVATION 7 Denotes Account Admin event, Can expect this when a new account admin gets added
DEVICE_LOCATION_UPDATE 8 Denotes Device Location Update event, Can expect this when there is a ping from Device
TP_PEOPLE_COUNT_UPDATE 9 Denotes TelePresence People Count Update event, Can expect this when there is a people count update from TelePresence device
APP_DE_ACTIVATION 10 Denotes App Deactivation event, Can expect this event when there is a deactivation for an app
DEVICE_PRESENCE 15 Denotes Device Presence event, Can expect this event during a lifecycle of a device at a location. Lifecycle events are entry, in-active(no activity for 10 minutes), active(activity after being in-active), exit(no activity for industry specific idle time, typically 3 hours)
USER_PRESENCE 16 Denotes User Presence event, Can expect this event during a lifecycle of an user at a location. User gets identified based on information available via authentications used across devices, If same auth identity gets used in multiple devices then all gets grouped as single User.Lifecycle events are entry, in-active(no activity for 10 minutes), active(activity after being in-active), exit(no activity for industry specific idle time, typically 3 hours)
IOT_TELEMETRY 18 Denotes IoT Telemetry event, Can expect this even when there is a Telemetry update from Bluetooth/RFID/Zigbee devices
IOT_USER_ACTION 19 Denotes IoT User Action event, Can expect this even when there is an User Action from Bluetooth/RFID/Zigbee devices
DEVICE_COUNT 20 Denotes Device Count event, Can expect this event when there is device count changes[computed using WiFi Telemetry] at the location with the frequency of 1 minute
CAMERA_COUNT 21 Denotes Camera Count event, Can expect this event when there is people count changes[computed using Camera Telemetry] at the location with the frequency of 1 minute
RAW_CAMERA_COUNT 22 Denotes Raw Camera Count event, Can expect this event when there is a change in Camera Raw Telemetry
NETWORK_TELEMETRY 24 Denotes Network Telemetry event, Can expect this when there is a change in network telemetry computed via Sensors
LOCATION_ANCHOR_UPDATE 25 Denotes Location Anchor Update event, Can expect this when there is an addition or update on the location anchors
NETWORK_STATUS_UPDATE 26 Denotes Network Status Update event
WEBEX_TELEMETRY 27 Denotes Webex v2 Telemetry Update event
DEVICE_ASSOCIATION 30 Denotes Device association event


Represents Gender

Name Number Description
MALE 1 Defines Male
FEMALE 2 Defines Female


Represents IOTActionType

Name Number Description


Represents IOTDeviceType

Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Name Number Description


Name Number Description
PBA_PRESS 0 Press Push Button Action
PBA_RELEASE 1 Release Push Button Action


Name Number Description
ADD_UPDATE 0 Defines add or update Type is the Change
DELETE 1 Defines remove Type is the Change


Name Number Description
NDS_UNKNOWN 0 Unknown status
NDS_CONNECTED 1 Connected status
NDS_DISCONNECTED 2 Disconnected status
NDS_ACTIVE 3 Active status
NDS_INACTIVE 4 Inactive status


Name Number Description
NDT_UNKNOWN 0 Unknown device
NDT_CONNECTOR 1 Connector device
NDT_CONTROLLER 2 Controller device


Represents APTelemetryType

Name Number Description
NONE 0 Default
CLIENTS_PER_AP 1 Number of clients per AP
SNR 2 Signal to Noise Ratio per AP
CHANNEL_UTILIZATION 3 Channel Utilization per AP


Represents SocialNetwork

Name Number Description
FACEBOOK 0 Default Facebook Social Network
TWITTER 1 Default Twitter Social Network
LINKEDIN 2 Default LinkedIn Social Network


Represents UserPresenceEventType

Name Number Description
USER_ENTRY_EVENT 0 Defines User Entry Event
USER_IN_ACTIVE_EVENT 1 Defines User InActive Event
USER_ACTIVE_EVENT 2 Defines User Active Event
USER_EXIT_EVENT 3 Defines User Exit Event


Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetEvents EventsStreamRequest EventRecord stream
GetLocationInfo LocationInfoRequest LocationInfo
GetFloorMap FloorMapRequest FloorMap
SaveDevice SaveDeviceRequest Device
GetDevice GetDeviceRequest Device

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)