Partner App Lifecycle and Activation Flow

The below flowchart shows the process involved in creating, testing, and submitting partner applications in the Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard. It also outlines the process involved in publishing the applications to the Cisco Spaces - Partner App Center.
Partner App Lifecycle

Every partner app that is created in the Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard goes through different statuses. Some of these app statuses are shown in the above screenshot. For details of each app status in the Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard, go through the list below:

  • DRAFT: This is the initial status of an app when it is newly created in the Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard.

  • TESTING: The app appears in this status when it is being tested.

  • SUBMITTED: The app appears in this status when it is submitted for review but has not been reviewed.

  • UNDER REVIEW: The app appears in this status when it is submitted for review but has not been approved for publishing.

    In this state, you can make edits to the app excluding changes to the event type.

  • APPROVED: The app appears in this status when the app reviewer approves the app.

    In this state, you can only make changes to the Integration Details. Once an app is APPROVED, it can be published (changed to Live status).

  • NOT APPROVED: The app appears in this status when the app reviewer identifies that the app you submitted for review does not have the correct configuration or does not meet compliance requirementt.

    The reviewer will provide the reasons why the app has not been approved and set the App to the NOT APPROVED status. Once you review these comments and incorporate the necessary changes, the app needs to be resubmitted for approval.

  • LIVE: The app appears in this status in the Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard when the app is published to the Cisco Spaces - Partner App Center after review and approval.

    Once an app is published, you can only edit the Integration Details. However, if you want to make changes to an app that is published, select your app in the Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard, and navigate to More > Update App. This will create a draft version of your live app, where the version is incremented by one. After you update this draft version of your live app, you need to resubmit it for approval.

    If your app submission does not have any changes under Events, then the app automatically gets approved on submission. However, if your app submission has changes under Events, then it goes through the approval workflow.

    The changes in this approved (or auto-approved) version of the app are merged with the Live version of the app in Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard. Once the updated app is published, the version of the Live app in the Cisco Spaces - Partner App Center also increments by one to indicate merging of the approved changes.

App Status

Editable Tabs

Hidden Tabs


All tabs



All tabs



All tabs except the Events tab

Events tab

Under Review

All tabs except the Events tab

Events tab

Not Approved

All tabs except the Events tab

Events tab


Integration Details tab

All tabs except Integration Details tab

Coming Soon

Integration Details tab

All tabs except Integration Details tab


Integration Details tab

All tabs except Integration Details tab

To make your application available for customers to activate and use, you must integrate the app activation flow with Cisco Spaces using the appropriate flow from the ones listed below. The activation flow varies depending on the app type.

Shown below is the multi-tenant cloud partner app activation sequence diagram.

App Activation Flow: Multi-Tenant Cloud Partner Apps

Shown below is the on-prem partner app activation sequence diagram.

App Activation Flow: On-Prem and Single Tenant Cloud Partner Apps