Create Your First App


Step 1

Go to the Cisco Spaces - Partner Dashboard.

Step 2

Enter your registered email ID and click Continue.

The Choose Partner pop-up window is displayed.

Step 3

If you have multiple partner accounts, select the desired Partner Name from the drop-down list and click Login.


If this is your first time accessing the Partner Dashboard, you will see the following pop-up windows after you are logged in:

  • Terms and Conditions Agreement: Go through the agreement and Accept to proceed.

  • Cisco DNA Spaces Partner Onboarding: Click Get Started if you need assistance with using the Partner Dashboard. Select the Do not show this again checkbox to prevent this pop-up window from being displayed every time you login to the Partner Dashboard.

    The Partners Onboarding Helper page is displayed. For detailed information about partner onboarding, go to the Cisco DNA Spaces Partner Onboarding section.

You are logged in to the unified Partner Dashboard.

Step 4

Click the Create New App tile.

The Choose App Type pop-up window is displayed.

Step 5

Select Multi Tenant Cloud and click Create.


For detailed information about the different partner app types, go to the App Types section.

The new app creation form is displayed. The App Center is the default tab.

Step 6

Under the App Center tab, provide the following details:

  1. Under Choose the region, select Rest of the World (Except Europe region).

    This selection determines the region where you would like to create, activate, publish, and manage the application.

  2. In the APP Name field, provide a name for your application.

  3. In the APP Tagline field, provide a relevant tagline for the application.

  4. Under APP Icon, click the Browse button to select and upload an image to be used as the application's icon.

  5. In the APP Description field, provide a relevant description for your application.

  6. Under̉ Primary Industry, choose the primary industry that your application caters to.

    The options available are listed below:

    • Retail

    • Hospitality

    • Health Care

    • Manufacturing

    • Education

    • Financial Services

    • Venues

    • Workspace

    • Real estate

    • Others

Step 7

Click the App Tile tab.

The App Tile Configuration section is displayed.

Step 8

Click Create.

The API Credentials for Pull Channels displays the Environment type and the API Key details that are automatically generated on creating the application. This information is also displayed when you open the app in Edit mode.