Devices Lookup
Supported App Types: On-Premise, Cloud
Description: Get Device ID by passing remote IP and clientIP
Path: /api/partners/v1/devices/lookup
Method: GET
Query Params: partnerTenantId=<PARTNER_TENANT_ID>&remoteIP=<IP_V4 of the remote server>&clientIP=<IP_V4/IP_V6 of the client>
Headers: X-API-KEY=<X-API-KEY>
Response Codes
400 – When either remoteIP/clientIP is not supplied or is invalid
404 – When device not found.
403 – When partnerTenantId supplied is not authorized to access the device at the location
200 – Success
Response Headers
CONTENT_TYPE: application/json
Sample JSON:
“deviceId”: “device-kqtBjbYJS619EoqIVRBSf”