Retrieve Partner Public Key for a Specific Version
The above API <base-url>/client/v1/partner/partnerPublicKey retrieves all public key versions for the partner. However, there may be cases when the partner would want to retrieve the public key for a particular version. In such cases, you would need to pass the version number suffix to the above the API in the <base-url>/client/v1/partner/partnerPublicKey/<<version>> format.
For example:, where v1 is the partner public key version.
Method: GET
API Endpoint: <baseUrl>/client/v1/partner/partnerPublicKey/<<version>>
Note | The domain will vary based on the environment such as Sandbox, Pre-Production, and Production. The <baseUrl> must be taken from the JWT token. |
Content-Type: application/json
Response Format:
"status": true,
"message": "Successfully fetched partner key.",
"data": {
"version": "v1",
Note | version refers to the partner public access key version. |